Stop Fake Numbers

We provide an API that lets you check whether a phone number is a free disposable or temporary number so you can protect your business against Fraud and Promo abuse

30 day free trial, no card required
Check Phone Number
Disposable phone number detected.
API response will be shown here...

Partnered with:

Disposable Phone Numbers

Understanding how they're used..


There are hundreds of websites providing 'disposable phone numbers' (DPN's) for use with OTP and registrations across many different countries

Why use?

Users/customers can sign up for your product or services without sharing their real phone number and bypass your auth/onboarding checks.

Fraud risk

Users will not have a valid phone number registered against their account for future interaction. Disposable numbers create fake accounts for Fraudsters and Bots

With DPNchecker...

Clean Numbers

Reduce fraud on registration and clean existing data base, to ensure that you have correct phone numbers and that OTP processes are not bypassed.

API Based

Our service is available via an API that can be integrated into your system, or we can also run batch. We provide you with responses, so you can make an informed decisions on a number.

Real Time

Our service is constantly being updated, with real-time checks for any new disposable phone numbers added. Making sure you are covered.


For anyone to get started
£0 /mo
Get Started
  • 100 verifications per month
  • API access
  • Batch checking


For high volume checks
£TBC /mo
Get Started
  • 400k verifications per month
  • API access
  • Batch checking

Start protecting your business today

Ensure that sign-ups are genuine and not bots.

30 days free trial, no card required